
引用資料:『満洲事変と支那事変』(展転社)より写真「旧奉天関東軍司令部前に立つ本庄繁司令長官」、『さらば奉天』(国書刊行会)より写真「旧満洲時代 の東洋拓殖ビル」、『図説満州帝国』(河出書房新社)より写真「1932年2月、建国会議後の司令長官室における記念写真」

Part 3: The Toyo Takushoku Building in Shenyang (The Former Mukden Kanto Army Headquarters)
Resources: The photographs "General Honjo Shigeru Standing in Front of the Mukden Kanto Army Headquarters" from The Manchurian Incident and the China Incident (Tendensha); "The Toyo Takushoku Building During the Manchurian Period" from Farewell, Mukden (Kokusho Kankokai); and "Commemorative Photograph Taken in the Commander-in-Chief's Office after a National Foundation Meeting, February 1932" from Illustrations of the Manchurian Empire (Kawade Shobo Shinsha).

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