Copyright(C) 2009 Kasagi Etsuko All Rights Reserved.
Shitou,      Manchuria

   In the spring of 1945, my mother married an infantry officer in the Kwantung Army and moved to the official residence of the former Kwantung Army tank corps station east of Shitou Station in Heilongjiang Province, China. In September 2005, I changed trains and stood in the place where the official residence was. My self-portrait was taken at my home in Yokohama in 2005.

"West Shitou, near Mudanjiang, Manchuria, 1945" 
148cm×565cm, computer-composed photograph, 2006

"East Shitou, near Mudanjiang in 1945, with my mother at 21"
148cm×558cm, computer-composed photograph, 2006
Collection in Himeji City Museum of Art